Sunday, July 20, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I can't believe we were gone for just over a week! The time flew by so quickly. It was a good holiday, but I am SO looking forward to sleeping in our bed tonight!

We enjoyed our time in Calgary and Drumheller. We went to Drumheller to see the Passion Play and it was awesome! When we first got there, we thought that there was not going to be any way for us to get down to the front by the stage to reach our seating. All of the paths down were either steep, loose gravel or stairs. Thankfully we found a slightly less steep path and made it down and enjoyed the play very much. It was amazing how the amphitheater amplified the voices naturally. And the guy who played Matthew goes to our church so it was neat to see a familiar face, and he's a great actor. They had good, modern bathrooms there, but with an audience of around 1500-2000 people, and only one 20 minute intermission, there was quite a lineup for the women's bathroom. Thankfully we made a run for it and got in and out before most of the people got there. After the play we had some supper, checked into our hotel, then went a checked out Reptile World. I had no idea it was there! They had over 100 species of snakes, lizards, frogs, tortoises, and even a 600lb crocodile! And Jay got to hold a boa constrictor! The next morning we checked out the world's largest dinosaur before heading to Calgary.

We tried out some new restaurants in Calgary and had some good and some mediocre experiences. The best meal of the trip (I think) was at Joey Tomato's, YUM! We also tried The Cheesecake Cafe (for dessert), Oriental Phoenix, Sante Fe Grill, Swiss Chalet, Yogen Fruz and Krispy Kreme. I enjoyed eating out, but it was nice to get to Swift Current on Wednesday for a home cooked roast beef dinner.

We were glad to get a chance to visit my grandpa in the hospital. He wasn't doing really well the day we went, but he put on a brave face for us, and we had a good visit. His body is definitely failing him, but his mind is still fairly sharp. I was so glad that Jay could finally meet him! We also got the opportunity to go for supper with my aunt Allison (mom's sister) and Uncle Bill and Aunt Phyllis (grandpa's brother and his wife). It was an enjoyable visit!

We did some shopping in Calgary. We hit up the Chinook Centre, Market Mall, Signal Hill, and Ikea. Since I was last at Ikea, they have moved into a HUGE new location. I couldn't believe how big they were. We got quite turned around upstairs but finally found the elevator to get back downstairs. We purchased some bamboo for a vase in our living room, a nice picture frame and a gift for Jay's mom for babysitting our puppy for us. I also got a cute pair of new RED shoes and a couple of shirts from H & M. Jay got a neat new camera bag! We also spent 4 1/2 hours at the Calgary Zoo. It was a lot of fun, and I would say the absolute hilight for me was getting to feed a giraffe! Very cool! Also, the baby elephant and the baby gorilla were very cute!

Wednesday morning we left bright and early to head for Swift Current. It was a pretty boring, and uneventful drive, but let me tell you, it was so nice to sleep in a familiar bed. Even if it wasn't home, we both slept well. Then we spent the rest of the time, until this morning out at Lac Pelletier. It was nice and relaxing. Even though the weather was not ideal, after our very busy days in Drumheller and Calgary the slow pace was exactly what we needed. I have two more days off work to get some laundry done, grocery shop, and relax at home, but I think by Wednesday I will feel refreshed and ready to get back to work.

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