I can't believe I haven't blogged for 2 weeks! Haha. I wonder if anyone still checks this space. I really haven't been THAT busy, I just sometimes wonder if anyone likes to read my droning on about my boring life. :)
After we got home from Jasper we had a few days at home. I did some housework and some reading and went berry picking (yummy fresh strawberries and saskatoons). Then on Wednesday we headed out to Swift Current and on to Lac Pelletier until Saturday. We really didn't do much out there. We did a lot of relaxing on the new covered deck out there. I read my book and we visited and I took Kiwi swimming. I managed to go for one run out at the lake but it was really warm by 9am and there are lots of hills and no shade, so I didn't get too far before I figured that I should turn around and head back while I still had some energy to spare. We, as always, got fed amazingly delicious food :)
Once we were home, we had a couple of days to recover before I went back to work last week. We went to see Inception on Monday and it was really good! It feels like it has been ages since we saw a good movie based on a fairly original idea. Tuesday it was back to work after two awesome weeks off!
This past weekend I headed out to Carrot River with my parents and my sister to go to a celebration of my Uncle Elmer's 80th birthday (that's my dad's oldest sister, Judy's husband). I had not been out to Carrot River since my grandma's funeral 5 1/2 years ago. A good number of my cousins and all of my aunts and uncles were there (dad has 7 remaining siblings out of 10). At the birthday celebration there were close to 100 people including family and friends.
They had the party out at their 'farm' which is a piece of land that belonged to Uncle Elmer's family when he was a kid. There is no farm house on this section of land, but it is set up beautifully with lots of trees and a number of garden plots where family and friends of the family plant huge vegetable gardens. They have also built a couple of very rustic (ie no running water or electricity) cabins on the lot with a couple of good old fashioned outhouses.
I couldn't believe how big and beautiful the gardens are! Someone told me that my cousin Ron (my oldest cousin, he's 3 years younger than my dad) and his daughter Collette (she's my age) planted 400 tomato plants! Can you imagine?! They were kind enough to let my sister and I each pick a few veggies that were ready, so we got some carrots, kohlrabi, onions, beans and a couple of tiny cucumbers and zucchinis. I couldn't believe how tall their corn was. Must have been at least 10 feet tall! I am such a city girl.....easily impressed by the idea of growing vegetables.
That takes care of the last couple of weeks.....in case you wondered if I had fallen off the face of the planet :)
I read your blog. I was getting sad at the lack of new posts.
I want a new post.
Hi, i'm portuguese but I can understand your writing. I enjoy reading your blog for so I'm practicing my English.
I wanted to give you congratulation for your blog and the results.
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