Friday, September 15, 2006

I've had better days *sigh*

There is a puddle in my car that I really don't feel like dealing with right now. Jason and I both woke up feeling quite ill this morning. We both ate Quizno's for supper last night...same sub for both of us, and I am thinking there was something in there that maybe wasn't fresh or something. I am stiff (from yoga yesterday), and my stomach is alternating between cramping and just overall soreness. *sigh* And my hands smell like stinky old man cologne because I think my last client today bathed in it this morning (yes I did wash my hands, but usually it takes a few scrubs to get rid of it all....). At least it's Friday and I can give my car a chance to dry out, and I can sleep in tomorrow and laze around if I want to!

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