Wednesday, September 20, 2006

As you know, last week we had a lot of rain. It rained and rained and rained for about five days. When I was driving to work on Monday I noticed near the intersection of Clarence Ave and the freeway there was a por-0-potty in the ditch where they have been doing some construction. After the rain, the port-o-potty was in the middle of great big puddle. It made me laugh, and it stayed there for a couple of days. I noticed today that they had moved it. Today as I drove by it made me think of a quote from the Simpsons. Grandpa Simpson comes out of a port-o-potty and says "This elevator only goes to the basement, and someone made an aaawful mess down there." Just made me laugh and smile. I almost wish I could have gotten a picture of it. It may have been one of those pictures that circulates through the email circuits by people who like to forward things.

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