Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Phantom of the Opera

We finally got to go see it last night. We bought the tickets back in November as a Christmas present and attended the show last night. It is the first big Broadway show I have ever been to. I was impressed. I think the only disappointment was how quickly the show went by, and I think we missed a couple of things being near the front on the side of the auditorium.

I was quite impressed with the sets. The set changes were amazing! I don't know if all Broadway plays have so many set changes, but there were a lot in this show and they were super cool. I think my favorite set was the Phantom's lair with the boat and the mist. The costumes were gorgeous! I was thinking as the show went on, I can't imagine them just coming to perform a couple of shows because they must have a whole convoy of trucks to haul all the sets, costumes and props. I appreciated the live orchestra, the singing and the music. As I tried to get to sleep I had the phantom's music stuck in my head. The actress who played Christine had the most incredible voice, wow! I also thoroughly enjoyed the pyrotechnics! The explosion at the beginning when they lit and raised the chandelier gave me goosebumps. And one explosion near the end, I could feel the heat coming off of it!

I don't think that will be the last Broadway show I attend. Such a great experience :)

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