Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Nephews

Yesterday was my sister's 30th birthday so I headed over to mom and dad's for family supper. I got to spend some good quality time with James and Will. James is grandma's little shadow and has to be where ever she is, but Will can't move on his own yet, so I got to hold him and feed him and kiss his little bald head. He is so sweet. James is funny, but there is something about when they are babies and can't do anything for themselves. He loves to be carried around and likes having his tummy, armpits and thighs tickled. James on the other hand, what a little clown! Last night mom gave him a bath and he came running out into the living room naked from the waist down. We laughed and dad said, "Hey James, I can see your doodle." (a line from the Simpsons when Homer goes running outside naked and Ned says the same to Homer). He laughed and ran back to the bathroom then a minute or two later came running back out fully naked this time and said, "Hey, stop looking at my noodle." haha....ooh one more James story. A week or so ago my parents were babysitting James and when it was bedtime mom went to read him a story. They were sitting on James' bed and James was cuddling up to mom and asked her where her boobs were. She laughed and said they were right there, but they weren't as big as his mom's. James thought about it for a second then looked at grandma and said, "You don't have big boobs like mom, you have small ones like me." Haha, man oh man, what a funny little guy.

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